Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I chose the English play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by William Shakespeare. I play the role of Demetrius, along with five other people playing Helena, Hermia, Lysander, Robin (Puck) and Oberon. We did a part in scene three, where Puck already put the love juice on Lysander’s eyes and he now loves Helena instead of Hermia who he wanted to marry the night before. Oberon now realized Puck did an error, because he didn’t put the love juice on the right Athenian boy. So now Oberon put the love juice on the eyes of the Demetrius and he also falls in love with Helena, whom he hated a little while ago. Now both girls are fight because they don’t understand what just happen and Demetrius and Lysander are fighting for the love of Helena. Oberon now wants Puck to rearrange things, by putting another flower juice on Lysander’s eyes, so he would go back to loving Hermia, and Demetrius, still under the effect of the love juice would still love Helena, who already loves him.
Demetrius is first in love with Hermia, but she doesn’t love him, she loves Lysander who also loves her. After Oberon put the love juice on Demetrius eyes, he now loves Helena who already loved him, but don’t understand why he loves her now when he hated her just a little while ago. Demetrius is also confused because Helena refused his love and now Lysander loves Helena. Hermia doesn’t understand why Lysander now hates her. He the end of our scene, Demetrius wants to prove is love to Helena with a fight against Lysander.
I was happy with the whole project, but I was a bit nervous because a didn’t know how I was going to be on the stage, if I was going to speak loud enough, move at the right time, know my lines by heart. In the end, I spoke loud enough and know my text perfectly, but I didn’t gesticulate enough. I always knew where to enter and say my lines, which help me a lot. When I got the role of Demetrius for the final play, I wasn’t actually trilled with it. I didn’t want it, but after Xavier played and invented his lines, I already knew I had the role.