Sunday, May 16, 2010

The big apple and the heart of the United States

We, all the students from secondary 4, have been gone for five days to visit the city that never sleep and the only district of the United States. The most exciting thing we saw, to me eyes, was New York. We visited South Street Seaport, Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street and more. We saw the city from the Top of the Rock at night and took the ferry to see the Statue of Liberty and New York from water. But my favorite place is the one I presented with Karine and Michaël in class two weeks ago: Times Square.

The crossroads of the world is the biggest place I ever visited in a city. There are publicities and lights everywhere and also thousands of people in the streets. But there are also multiple publicities on the streets near Times Square and a lot of stores in Times Square, but also all over Manhattan. It is incredible how there is so much going in such a small place. And two sections of Broadway in Times Square were paved red, because it was used for people to walk on and there were chairs and tables for people to sit enjoy the heart of the city.

That is why I think Times Square is so popular and everyone should see this once in their life. But I think the best time to visit the crossroads of the world is on New Year’s Eve and being in Times Square with more and half a million people for the ball drop.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I chose the English play A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by William Shakespeare. I play the role of Demetrius, along with five other people playing Helena, Hermia, Lysander, Robin (Puck) and Oberon. We did a part in scene three, where Puck already put the love juice on Lysander’s eyes and he now loves Helena instead of Hermia who he wanted to marry the night before. Oberon now realized Puck did an error, because he didn’t put the love juice on the right Athenian boy. So now Oberon put the love juice on the eyes of the Demetrius and he also falls in love with Helena, whom he hated a little while ago. Now both girls are fight because they don’t understand what just happen and Demetrius and Lysander are fighting for the love of Helena. Oberon now wants Puck to rearrange things, by putting another flower juice on Lysander’s eyes, so he would go back to loving Hermia, and Demetrius, still under the effect of the love juice would still love Helena, who already loves him.
Demetrius is first in love with Hermia, but she doesn’t love him, she loves Lysander who also loves her. After Oberon put the love juice on Demetrius eyes, he now loves Helena who already loved him, but don’t understand why he loves her now when he hated her just a little while ago. Demetrius is also confused because Helena refused his love and now Lysander loves Helena. Hermia doesn’t understand why Lysander now hates her. He the end of our scene, Demetrius wants to prove is love to Helena with a fight against Lysander.
I was happy with the whole project, but I was a bit nervous because a didn’t know how I was going to be on the stage, if I was going to speak loud enough, move at the right time, know my lines by heart. In the end, I spoke loud enough and know my text perfectly, but I didn’t gesticulate enough. I always knew where to enter and say my lines, which help me a lot. When I got the role of Demetrius for the final play, I wasn’t actually trilled with it. I didn’t want it, but after Xavier played and invented his lines, I already knew I had the role.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Description of me

My first name is Jonathan and my last name is Hamel. I was born on April 8th 1994, in Quebec, so, today, I’m fifteen years old. I’m going to the Juvénat Notre-Dame, even if I live in Lévis. My dad’s name is Jocelyn Hamel, he is working for IBM, and my mom’s is Isabelle Verret, she is a stay at home mom, and they are married. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, like my dad. On the other side, my mom has three brothers and three sisters.

I love playing sports, running or just moving, but my favorite sports are Kin-Ball, Badminton and Curling, but I played Base Ball, Soccer and Swimming before. On my free time, I mostly like to go on my computer, or sometimes I also like to read. I also like to be with my friends, Charles and William Beaudoin, Michaël Thériault, Louis Masson-Boutin, Shannon Cyr-Kirk, Daniel Dubreuil, Xavier Bouché and Philippe Richard. At school, I really English, Science and Mathematic and I play the clarinet in music class.

I have a passion for making anything in 3-D, mostly puzzles. I also really like to travel. Most of my trips were in the United States; Florida, Las Vegas, New York, Boston, Chicago and more, but I also went in Europe last summer in Austria and Czech Republic.

My favorite color is green. I like animals, mostly dogs, because I could have one, not like my favorite animal, who is a penguin, but we can’t have any animal at my house since my mother is allergic. I really enjoy Italian food, but I think the meal that I like the most is court bouillon.
When I was younger, my family and I moved from St-Jean-Chrysostome to St-Romuald and now in Levis. The Juvénat is my fourth school, but I lost most contact with my old friends.

In the future, I would like to move away from the province of Québec to another, the United States or Europe. I want to finish university, but I don’t know how many years a still want to study, but I know the subject will be mathematic and informatics.