Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Description of me

My first name is Jonathan and my last name is Hamel. I was born on April 8th 1994, in Quebec, so, today, I’m fifteen years old. I’m going to the Juvénat Notre-Dame, even if I live in Lévis. My dad’s name is Jocelyn Hamel, he is working for IBM, and my mom’s is Isabelle Verret, she is a stay at home mom, and they are married. I don’t have any brothers or sisters, like my dad. On the other side, my mom has three brothers and three sisters.

I love playing sports, running or just moving, but my favorite sports are Kin-Ball, Badminton and Curling, but I played Base Ball, Soccer and Swimming before. On my free time, I mostly like to go on my computer, or sometimes I also like to read. I also like to be with my friends, Charles and William Beaudoin, Michaël Thériault, Louis Masson-Boutin, Shannon Cyr-Kirk, Daniel Dubreuil, Xavier Bouché and Philippe Richard. At school, I really English, Science and Mathematic and I play the clarinet in music class.

I have a passion for making anything in 3-D, mostly puzzles. I also really like to travel. Most of my trips were in the United States; Florida, Las Vegas, New York, Boston, Chicago and more, but I also went in Europe last summer in Austria and Czech Republic.

My favorite color is green. I like animals, mostly dogs, because I could have one, not like my favorite animal, who is a penguin, but we can’t have any animal at my house since my mother is allergic. I really enjoy Italian food, but I think the meal that I like the most is court bouillon.
When I was younger, my family and I moved from St-Jean-Chrysostome to St-Romuald and now in Levis. The Juvénat is my fourth school, but I lost most contact with my old friends.

In the future, I would like to move away from the province of Québec to another, the United States or Europe. I want to finish university, but I don’t know how many years a still want to study, but I know the subject will be mathematic and informatics.

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